CCI的出现和初衷虽然是极好的,但是使用过程中还是会有不尽人意的地方,比如复制黏贴卡顿/代码提示卡顿,或者不习惯用Eclipse等种种原因,还是有童鞋喜欢更轻量级一点的编辑器,比如Sublime Text
Sublime Text(简称ST)
基于个人习惯原因,我们会有很多稀奇古怪的需求,这类需求可能是很小众的,大路的插件并不会予以支持,所以我们就得自己动手 下面的例子,就是我开发过程中碰到的需求,参见CCI版本的Cocos Code IDE的Lua模板加强
- OSX:Sublime Text->Preferences->Browse Packages…
- Windows:Preferences->Browse Packages…
新建一个文件夹,命名为LuaTemplate 选择Tools->New Plugin… 新建一个.py文件,保存到LuaTemplate下
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import sublime, sublime_plugin class ExampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): self.view.insert(edit, 0, "Hello, World!") |
“ExampleCommand”就是我们执行命令的名字,以大驼峰式命名,实际的命令为”example” 按Ctrl+`打开ST控制台,输入
1 |
view.run_command("example") |
此时已打开文件的文件头,就会被输入”Hello World!”的字样 这里是ST Plugin API
我们还是以newclass newlayer newfunction这几个来做例子
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import sublime, sublime_plugin import time import subprocess import os import codecs import re process=None file_head_template="""--- -- -- ${date} -- @author ${author} -- """ new_class_template=file_head_template+""" local ${short_file_name} = class("${short_file_name}") function ${short_file_name}:ctor() end return ${short_file_name} """ new_layer_template=file_head_template+""" local ${short_file_name} = class("${short_file_name}",BaseLayer) function ${short_file_name}:ctor() ${short_file_name}.super.ctor(self) end function ${short_file_name}:onEnter() end function ${short_file_name}:onExit() end return ${short_file_name} """ new_function_template=""" function ${short_file_name}:name() end """ file_separator = "/" if sublime.platform() == "windows": file_separator = "\" def getConfig(config,key): if os.path.exists(config): f=codecs.open(config,"r","utf-8") while True: line=f.readline() if line: sps=line.split("=") if sps[0].strip() == key: return sps[1].strip().replace(""","") else: break def generateCode(self,template): file_name = self.view.file_name() sp_start = file_name.rfind(file_separator) + 1 sp_end = file_name.rfind(".") settings=sublime.load_settings("LuaTemplate.sublime-settings") author = settings.get("author","Your name") #短文件名 short_file_name = file_name[sp_start:sp_end] code = template code = code.replace("${date}",time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time.localtime())) code = code.replace("${short_file_name}",short_file_name) code = code.replace("${author}",author) return code # ltnewclass 新建一个类的模板 class LtnewclassCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): code = generateCode(self,new_class_template) (row,col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) self.view.insert(edit,self.view.text_point(row,col),code) #ltnewlayer 新建一个层的模板 class LtnewlayerCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): code = generateCode(self,new_layer_template) (row,col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) self.view.insert(edit,self.view.text_point(row,col),code) #ltnewfunction 新建一个函数的模板 class LtnewfunctionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): code = generateCode(self,new_function_template) (row,col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) self.view.insert(edit,self.view.text_point(row,col),code) #ltrunwithplayer 跑起来 class LtrunwithplayerCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): settings=sublime.load_settings("LuaTemplate.sublime-settings") quickroot = settings.get("quick_v3_root","") if sublime.platform() == "windows": playerPath = quickroot+"/quick/player/win32/player3.exe" if sublime.platform() == "osx": playerPath = quickroot+"/player3.app/Contents/MacOS/player3" file_name = self.view.file_name() workdir=file_name[0:file_name.rfind("src")] srcDirName=workdir+"/src" args=[playerPath] args.append("-workdir") args.append(workdir) args.append("-file") args.append(srcDirName+"/main.lua") global process if process: try: process.terminate() except Exception: pass if sublime.platform()=="osx": process=subprocess.Popen(args) elif sublime.platform()=="windows": process=subprocess.Popen(args) #ltrunwithsimulator 跑起来2 class LtrunwithsimulatorCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): file_name = self.view.file_name() workdir=file_name[0:file_name.rfind("src")] if sublime.platform() == "windows": simulatorPath = workdir+"/runtime/win32/PrebuiltRuntimeLua.exe" if sublime.platform() == "osx": simulatorPath = workdir+"/runtime/mac/PrebuiltRuntimeLua.app/Contents/MacOS/PrebuiltRuntimeLua Mac" args=[simulatorPath] args.append("-workdir") args.append(workdir) global process if process: try: process.terminate() except Exception: pass if sublime.platform()=="osx": process=subprocess.Popen(args) elif sublime.platform()=="windows": process=subprocess.Popen(args) |
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{ "author" : "yaoyl", "quick_v3_root" : "/Users/superyyl/Documents/quick-3.3" } |
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[ { "caption": "Lua Template: New Class", "command": "ltnewclass" }, { "caption": "Lua Template: New Layer", "command": "ltnewlayer" }, { "caption": "Lua Template: New Function", "command": "ltnewfunction" }, { "caption": "Lua Template: Run With Player", "command": "ltrunwithplayer" }, { "caption": "Lua Template: Run With Simulator", "command": "ltrunwithsimulator" } ] |
新建一个LoginLayer.lua文件,cmd+shift+p,然后输入new class,选择Lua Template: New Class
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--- -- -- 2015-01-29 16:57:56 -- @author yaoyl -- local LoginLayer = class("LoginLayer") function LoginLayer:ctor() end return LoginLayer |
选择Lua Template: Run With Player也能顺利调用模拟器